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Monthly Data

Set of data needed to calculate the production cost with reasonable detail and accuracy:

  • HOMOGENEOUS: same data and criteria on all farms.
  • Adjusted to the particular STRUCTURE of each Company (farms, production stages, types of feed, etc.).

Different types of monthly data:

  • Animal STOCK.
  • Piglet and pig PRODUCTION.
  • EXPENSES: Vet and Med, Replacement, Personnel, Energy,...
  • CONSUMPTION: feed classified by types.

The data is collected the following month, so that: 1) it is easier to detect and correct possible incidents, and 2) allows to have a clear perspective of cost and production factors evolution.

Monthly data can be prepared in different ways: through on-line app or file (Excel, XML, ...).

Sistemes d'Informació per la Producció, S.L.
Prats de Lluçanès · Barcelona
C/ Serrat del Peric, 24
08513 Prats de Lluçanès, Barcelona, Spain
Tel: +34 93 850 82 42